Wednesday, September 15, 2010

EmergenC is a Lifesaver!

I honestly don't understand why more people don't know about this stuff! My h husband is an Iron Worker/Welder and we live in South Texas. In July and August the temps reach in the triple digits. You add the fact that he maybe in an enclosed area welding it really gets hot!

3 years ago it was a common thing for him to have to take days off during this time because of what the extreme conditions would do to him. He would get cramping in his muscles and become faint. They had 10 gallon Igloo Containers full of Gatorade that they drank all day long but he and other workers were still overcome by the heat.

I received a sample of EmergenC and had it on hand on one of the days he stayed home. The boss gets kinda upset when he is getting dizzy walking on the iron many stories up in the air and sends them home. Anyway he is a hard man to keep down so he was at home mowing with the riding lawn mower. I fixed him the sample in a bottle of water and had him drink it!

30 minutes later he was in the house asking me what I gave him. He said he felt a lot better. We went to the store and bought a box and he drank 2 more before the day was out and was feeling well enough to go to work the next day!

He spread the word at work and everybody started taking it! The boss replaced the 10 gallon Igloo with a large ice chest full of bottled water. It makes it convenient to just pour the packet in and shake it up and drink it down.

It's been 3 years since anyone has had to take off work due to heat related problems.

If you work and play in the sun EmergenC is a must!

My son who is in college says drinking it daily helps him stay focused.